Rome Walking Tour Via della Lungara
Rome walking tour visits Trastevere Via della Lungara (long street) where Raphael's lover Foriena lived in today ristorante Romolo. Enjoy this spot along the walking tour of Rome with Maurizio Mayer My Rome walking tour.
Rome walking tour we cross Ponte Sisto footbridge, built by Pope Sixtus IV between 1473 and 1479, in Rome's centro storico spans river Tiber, connecting Via del Pettinari to Piazza Trilussa in Trastev...hover to read more
Rome walking tour visits Trastevere Via della Lungara (long street) where Raphael's lover Foriena lived in today ristorante Romolo. Enjoy this spot along the walking tour of Rome with Maurizio Mayer M...hover to read more